When the Storm has Swept by

Several years ago a vicious spring storm tore through our area. It was April and my garden had just begun to bloom after a long and cold winter. After the storm, we walked our yard to survey the damage and I found my tulips strewn haphazardly across the front yard.

I cried.

I did. It was like a dream, walking across spring green grass covered in snowballs of hail and tulip petals of every color.

Oh the dismay in the aftermath of a storm.

I gathered those tulips and shook off the icy remnants of hail and carried the precious flowers in the house.

Then I took this photo.

Because they were so beautiful. In spite of the storm. Because of the storm. This is still one of my all time favorite photos. I’m sure it could be improved by photoshop, but I don’t own it, and I like the raw honesty of the photo as it is: that beauty after the storm.

When the storm has swept by . . . the righteous stand firm forever.

Proverbs 10:25


  1. What a nice post! A great photo, too. I don’t think they all need photoshop! I don’t own it, either! πŸ™‚

  2. Erin, you have NO idea how much this means to me right now. What a great post – and such perfect timing. Thank you!! πŸ™‚

  3. Hi Erin!
    I know this is a totally random comment, but I recently found your blog and love it. I think you have great taste and your house is beautiful. I am looking for a new dining table and would love your advice. I would like to find a white or distressed white table with a bench but have not found what I’m looking for. Any suggestions? Thanks so much!

  4. Erin, you are such a kindred spirit! I would have totally cried too. I cry when people cut down beautiful old trees, when I accidentally send a plant to heaven before it’s time, or when the wind rips through in one moment and strips a tree of all her precious blooms… OR a late frost kills tiny anxious budding blooms! I think your tulip photo is beautiful and also represents beauty from ashes that God so lovingly is wonderful at doing! You should mat and frame it!

  5. This may be the second time I have written this comment but…

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