Well that was funny!

I read a lovely little blog called Small Notebook: Notes and Encouragement for a Simple and Peaceful Home.

Today’s post on Small Notebook provided a useful list of household tools every homeowner should have on hand. Number One on the list was laugh-out-loud funny.

1. Plunger. One time my neighbor borrowed my plunger. I must admit, it was weird when he returned it. Have your own. Don’t be that guy.

I’m not sure which is funnier:

a. The idea of a grown man ringing some one’s doorbell to borrow a toilet plunger,

b. The idea of a grown man ringing some one’s doorbell to RETURN a toilet plunger, or

c. The fact that I have very vivid memories of living in a huge delapitated duplex my junior year of college with nine girlfriends, and sharing a plunger between our two units.

Ahh, memories.

Thank you for the laugh, Small Notebook


  1. Erin, where did you find the american flag wall decor for your boys’ room? I just love it!

  2. uuuug! I’m eating lunch. LOL! Good thing I’m almost done… which reminds me of Sunday when we were getting ready for church and I found my 1-year-old with my toilet bowl cleaner brush. My husband said, “That shouldn’t hurt him if he put it in his mouth… should it?” – Thank goodness he was just kidding! ffffhhheewww!

  3. Jess, I responded on your blog but in case you missed it, the american flag in the boys’ room came from Michaels last summer. I know that Pottery Barn has one that is similar, although I’m sure a lot more expensive 🙁

  4. thanks so much for getting back to me about the chandelier! I was looking at that PB pendant but thought, for sure, that it would be too small! I come from a family of electricians (thankfully) so I hope we’ll be able to cash in on some family favors with this one.

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