Welcome, April!

“Spring shows what God can do

with a drab and dirty world.”

-Virgil Kraft

wynn and lamb 2

{My toddler boy feeding a neighbor’s lamb with a bottle! }

If I haven’t mentioned, I adore living in rural North Carolina (where we live September thru May-we are still spending our summers in our beach cottage in Michigan, I know that’s confusing).

It is so beautiful and peaceful here, I have almost forgotten about my previous loves Target and Starbucks.

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But I wouldn’t trade this landscape for the best latte in the world.

wynn and lamb5and I wouldn’t trade these flowers, which I picked from our very own yard.

Take that, Dollar Spot.

Sweet, sweet spring, do not be soon to part.

Oh Carolina, we are delighting in your every sundrenched, flower-filled day.


  1. I wouldn’t trade it for Starbucks either!! Did you read what they’ve said about people against equality? I did RIGHT after I bought 3 boxes of Starbucks K-Cups, shoot!!

    By the way, I need your address in NC!

  2. I have been thinking a lot about this post since you first posted it. I am a stay at home mama to three small children. I want so much to provide a simple life for my family. I too find a bouquet of God’s craftmanship over anything Target has to offer. I constantly have to remind myself while in Target or HomeGoods for that matter that while all these things are lovely, I don’t want to potentially work outside the home to get all of these pretty “things”. I love your blog and thank you for the simple living you show. That one can still have great style, a great life and it isn’t purchased. Thanks for showing yours soul’s desire for Kingdom work.

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