
The picture above is saved on my computer’s hard drive under the file name, “vindication.”

I didn’t name the photo; the name came, I assume, from its original source. I don’t know where I saved it from. If it is yours or you know the source, I would love to know the story behind the name. I like to think I know without really knowing . . .

I am married to a man’s man. He doesn’t have the first clue when it comes to interior design. I prefer him that way. More often than not, any design idea I have and share is met with a side eye. I have learned and we now both joke, that the more against one of my design ideas he is at the outset, the better the final result will be. You really can’t blame the man considering I come up with some odd ideas like contact papering the kitchen. We are at the point in our marriage where I can say “I think I am going to do X Y and Z in the living room!!!!” He will then respond, “that sounds ridiculous and awful so go for it!!!” (I’m paraphrasing.)

All jokes aside, I flip through my inspiration pictures all the time and I always smile at the all white kitchen that someone titled “vindication” and think of the side eye this home owner probably got from someone when she suggested painting those hardwood floors with white paint. Or doing an entire room without a spec of color. Clearly this kitchen is a jaw-dropper and someone ultimately was vindicated. Or so I like to think.

Cheers to that and back to my next eye-raising design project,


  1. Erin, you have me laughing all the way to my torn-up master bathroom. I, too, am married to a “side eye guy.” And my ideas aren’t even all that radical. Is yours, by chance, an engineer, too???

    Thanks for the laugh! (And the pretty picture.)

  2. I love your reasoning behind the naming of this photo! I think I’ll stick with just knowing yours and be perfectly content not knowing the actual story. 🙂 It is jaw dropping gorgeous!

  3. I love it! I too have the hubby with the “you want to do what? to what?”…but all joking aside, he’ll also tell you, “she knows what she’s doing, so I just step aside”. Can’t wait to see your next project.

  4. Haha! I get the side-eye, too! Then I encourage him to read Layla Palmer’s blog to see how much fun she and her husband have doing these projects together!

  5. That sounds just like my husband! he always has doubts until it is finished! You’d think they would learn by now right?

  6. Oh my, my husband is the same way.
    I covered cabinets with contact paper back in the 60’s.
    I am searching for a picture.I know I have one.
    I Love your blogs and you are such an inspiration!
    Keep on doing what you do

    All White is awesome in any room .

  7. I betcha anything it was the painted floors.

    I myself am married to a side-eye glance but supportve engineer of a hubster. We have a great time!

  8. Haha … and then I am married to the man to whom I must defend my outfits, haircuts and design ideas because he cares about coordination a lot more than I do 🙂

    Great post. I love it!

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