True Blue Christmas

After catching a glimpse of this incredibly intoxicating number, I have decided that a blue Christmas may not be so bad after all.
Frankly, a girl can never have enough frills. I bet this dress is so spectacular in real life that you could even wear ballet slippers with it and forgo the heels!

Which of course would make it just perfect for things like ironing, vacuuming, and changing diapers.


  1. Heels, what are those? I think I only wear heels now for weddings/special events. My poor feet don’t have that muscle memory I wish they had. They writhe in pain now. I just want to put that pretty dress on and parade around the house. My daughters would think I was Cinderella.Seriously, they would! 🙂 She wore blue right?

  2. Ohh, that if very pretty! I just saw on Rachael Ray yesterday that blue is an “in” color at Christmas events this year. Great pick!!

  3. I did a blue & silver tree a couple of years ago; it was so pretty-reminded me of snow! Love that dress and it would be perfect for vacuming! Love you.

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