It is one of those mornings.
Where the toast burns and the milk spills and the baby is cutting teeth. The kitchen floor, scrubbed clean 2 days before looks as though it hasn’t been swept in a month. It is one of those mornings where life feels heavy and the enemy’s lies taunt and tease- “you will always be cleaning but things will never be clean.” The 3 year-old who has just eaten his way through cereal, toast, raisins, milk and orange juice is “hungry, mommy, staaaarving!!” The teething baby wants to be held, soothed, nursed. He is crying, grasping, desperate.
I do the only thing I know to do in broken moments. I sit down in the middle of the kitchen floor, right there with the toast crumbs and the sticky residue of the milk that has yet to be properly cleaned. I put my head in my hands, breathe deep and then reach for my boys:
“Let’s pray to Jesus. Will you help me ask Jesus to help mommy be a good and strong mommy?”
Baby is thrilled that I am down low enough to grasps; he climbs into my lap and wraps his arms tight around my neck, gumming my shoulder with sore teeth. My big boy wraps his hands around mine, clasped together, and bows his sweet head and my heart lurches to my throat at the site of his beautiful faith.
We pray together, the three of us, right there in the mess of it all. We pray with a hungry faith that silences lies.
Hear me, dear mother with the messy floors and unwashed hair and laundry piles overflowing: God can use even those messes to save. I pray my boys will grow and have the memory of a mother who wasn’t defeated by the messes because she walked right into them to lay her heart out before an almighty God.
Hear my cry, O God,
listen to my prayer;
from the end of the earth I call to you
when my heart is faint.
Lead me to the rock
that is higher than I.
Psalm 61
Advent Music- Corrinne May, The Answer:
What a beautiful witness to pray with your children when it all seems too hard. I will remember this.
The perfect day for your words Erin…thank you! Been one of those days where the mess grows faster than mommy can keep up and that feeling of desperation can start to creep…
Been challenged by the Lord lately, in the middle of my messy house, messes, that the righteous man lives by faith…faith in the truth. How easy it can be for me to look around me and see visible cues, that “I’m not getting anything done..” And yet, so much heart building/home building that gets done is invisible to the eye. I do think the enemy tries to distract/discourage us moms to be driven by what we see on the surface. I know that happens to me often… But the most valuable work we do is, in fact, hidden in the hearts of our husbands and children..encouraging, teaching, helping,reading with/to them, collecting outside treasures together, having a crazy dance party in the living room, slowing down and snuggling with our hubbies..
I have been so encouraged lately, by Matthew 6:1-16, reminded of God’s character that He is a God who “sees in secret.” That He sees our hidden work that no one else sees, and sometimes we ourselves don’t see. Though my house is a mess and it may look on the outside like “nothing got done.” He sees the “secret work” happening, and knows my heart.
Your boys are blessed to have a Mama who loves Jesus and can see you walk with Him on the easy days and the more challenging ones too! Someday in the middle of their storms, they’ll have your example reminding them to lean on their Savior. Keep up the good work Mama!
Love this series so much E! Let’s catch up soon.
Simply beautiful Erin!
Wonderful encouragement, not just for mothers, but for all of us! Thank you!
Beautiful, Erin! Your boys will learn more from watching you than any words can teach 🙂
Thank your for these posts and for pointing to Christ, I love encouraging words when they are rooted in Gods truth.