We are happily settling in to life as a family of four. Caring for a toddler and a newborn is the most challenging thing I have ever done, but by far the most rewarding. I am so in love with my boys and just amazed with every day that I get to spend with them. Having my parents in town has been an absolute blessing. My mother-in law is staying with us this week to help and it is an absolute gift because I have been able to “sleep when the baby sleeps” and recover from my c-section. Thank heavens for Grammy!
Thank you all for your comments, prayers and well wishes. This is such a special time, I wish I could bottle it up and make it last. I know how fast the early weeks go by and I am trying to soak up all the newborn goodness while I can.
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Congratulations to the winner of the Karama giveaway:
Melinda says:
What wonderful hearts must be behind this company. I love how God’s people are not held back by geographical boundaries when it comes to lending a bit of love. Thanks for the post – I will check out the site for sure.
Melinda, please contact me so I can ship your Karama goodies to you!
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Your pictures are gorgeous! And so are your boys! I’d buy a bottle (of my children) please!
Thanks, Jennifer. If I figure out a way to bottle it up, I’ll share the secret with you!
Lovely, just lovely! Thank you so much for sharing.
Bless you all.
Thank you, Joy!
Awww how cute! Beautiful treasures indeed!
Congrats to the winner!
Oh these beautiful boys! I remember those early days of c-section recovery. I had 3 of them and it was so nice to be forced to be gentle on my body during the first few weeks and I loved that I wasn’t allowed to drive. I felt like the queen. Many blessings.
Thanks Tracey, I’ve been very blessed to have family taking care of me and letting me rest and sleep when the baby sleeps!
Absolutely beautiful! Congrats on your new little blessing.
Thank you, Cari!!
i remember those days so well….a toddler son and a newborn son….i never really believed my older friends who promised me that the days go by fast. ends up, they were telling the truth. this season will pass by so quickly. take lots of pictures…write lots of memories down…
my boys are 12 and 10 now.
my friends also told me that those years when they’re little are physically exhausting and the years I’m in now are mentally exhausting….they were right. it’s a whole new tired. 🙂 but so worth it and so amazing and so rewarding.
your boys are beautiful.
That’s tugging at my heart Tara, I know I’m going to blink and they will be big boys. I’m trying to eat up every moment at this age.
PRECIOUS!! What a blessing!! Congrats sweet lady!
Thanks, Melissa! Did you see your chandelier in our kitchen photo at top? 😉