The Greatest Love Story Ever Told

I want to introduce you to my friend, Steph, (and her drop-dead gorgeous family).  See that darling baby on Steph’s lap?  That is Wynn’s future bride, Hope.:)  Stephanie has been an invaluable mentor to me the past several years.  And by “mentor” I mean that Steph has taught me about God’s love on a whole new level.  Her testimony and life as a wife and mother have ministered to me in so many countless ways, I have tears in my eyes now trying to do justice to what Steph means to me by a few short sentences on this blog.  Really there aren’t any words, so I will just leave it at this:  In a world of sin and insincerity, Steph is the real deal.  The Holy Spirit shines through her so strongly it is impossible to look at her life and not see Him at every angle. 

Steph blogs here, and a few years ago she wrote about her love story with husband Tim, which caught the attention of so many unmarried girls, wanting in their lives the love that God has given Steph and Tim in their marriage. 

After answering countless emails, Steph started a ministry for unmarried women (mainly aimed toward college age girls, but all ages are welcome and encouraged) to get the urgent message out of God’s unending uncompromising everlasting love for each and every one of us.  What started as a weekend retreat for college age girls in their home has turned into a big-time retreat called His Proposal

That was a lot of back story but I wanted to get the word out to all of my readers who are unmarried and waiting on the Lord for a love story of their own.  If you have a daughter, niece, or friend who would benefit from this message (oh boy could I have benefited when I was 19!!!) then please spread the word about this retreat, this weekend in Knoxville.

Details here


  1. Oh Erin…I remember when you were 19….I think we all could have benifited from some wise advise :). But it’s so true, if you trust God and pray and WAIT your prince charming does eventually come 🙂

  2. Wow! They really are a gorgeous family. I have a college aged daughter. Thanks for sharing this. Headed over to check it out.

  3. That is so cool! I’m 30 and single but unfortunately can’t make it this weekend. It’s so encouraging to know that these things exist. Christian singles need all the positive support we can get.

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