The Best of Etsy

If you are looking for something unique and special for Valentine’s Day, head over to Etsy and support home-made. I absolutely LOVE Etsy-who doesn’t? I could spend hours browsing all of the one-of-a-kind art and home accessories. In fact, I just spent ten minutes lusting over a certain set of wool coasters that I am sure were made for me. This is why I don’t have a credit card. Of course I could probably snag Mr. Marvelous’s Visa card without him noticing while he naps soundly next to me on the sofa, but I don’t want to be THAT GIRL. The girl who sacrafices her character for a set of coasters. Anyway, back to Valentine’s Day. Check out these cool finds.

Hand-made Valentine by Etsy seller Roll and Tumblepress

Valentine’s Tags by Etsy seller Primitive Tymes-only $.50!

Darling felt pouch for candy or a love note by Etsy seller LovesSquirrels

Love Bird by Etsy Seller Gifts Devine

Valentine Garland by Etsy seller Corrieberrypie

And last but certianly not least, meet Murray, by Etsy seller ChetandDot. I love him.

Etsy has its own “Valentine’s Showcase,” updated daily with fab finds for lovers.


  1. Those are just darling finds! Especially Murray. I’m a teacher and the kids at school would adore him!
    I just love Etsy! I would need a bigger place to house alltof the treasures I could find there.
    You have a charming blog here, I’ll be back! ;

  2. I found your blog via The Lettered Cottage. What a beautiful home you have created. And what a great blog. I will keep coming back for more!

  3. I, too, found your blog through The Lettered Cottage. I just love it πŸ™‚ I’m looking forward to reading more of your posts! And, thanks for the advice about the paint colors– I will definitely use your paint chip method!

  4. Another one that found you through Lettered Cottage. πŸ™‚ We also have a new home that we are trying to give old time character to. We are working slowly but surely on getting rid of all the “builder’s standard” items and adding in things that have a more time worn feel. Your home and blog are beautiful. I’ll be adding you to my blogroll. πŸ™‚

  5. Enjoyed my visit at your blog. Your home is beautiful and I am so inspired by your chair!You have a great style.

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