Ten Days Until Christmas

I woke up this morning and realized that there are only 10 days left until Christmas.  I want to enjoy every last second of Wynn’s first Christmas season, so we are officially in “soaking up every last morsel of Christmas” mode around here.  On the agenda today, Christmas cookies.  I’m lucky that Wynn likes to sit in his highchair and watch me bake.  He doesn’t sit still for much at all anymore!  In fact, he is currently tearing up the living room while I type this post. 

Wish I could have each and every one of you over for a cup of coffee and Christmas cookie. 

Have a blessed Wednesday,

Image source and recipe here


  1. Enjoy every blissful moment (and the not-so-blissful ones too!!) It’s so joyful to see that picture of you and Wynn in the banner. Such a testament to the goodness of our God!

  2. Oh wow! Those cookies are beautiful!! I’d have a hard time eating them, they’re so pretty. 🙂
    Hope you guys have a very Merry Christmas.

  3. enjoy all those moments….

    take lots of pictures….

    put his handprint on an ornament to remember how little those tiny hands are….

    they’ll be big hands before you know it.

    Merry Christmas!!!

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