After saving some money, I had a piece of glass cut for our kitchen table to put pictures under. It makes for a very fun table (slightly tacky- but VERY fun). Now I have a place to put all my favorite pictures from the last 5 years!! The boys love it and it is quite the conversation starter if you have boring dinner guests. 😉
I call it my stones of remembrance table because it makes me think of when the Israelites would make stones of remembrance so they would never forget God’s faithfulness during the hard times (isn’t that so easy to do??). These stones provided a reminder during these times that God was near and active.
My new table also puts you in a very thankful mood because it is a celebration of God’s goodness to our family.
It’s beautiful, Steph!
Everyone is probably familiar with God having parted the Red Sea to allow the Israelites to escape Egypt and flee toward the Promised Land. In a less-recounted event, God once again parted waters for the Israelites, some forty years after the event at the Red Sea. God caused the Jordan River to stop flowing so that Israelites could cross over and directly into the Promised Land. While the waters were parted, God directed Joshua, the leader of the Israelites at that time, to collect stones from the river to serve as remembrance of God’s faithfulness to his children.
May we all know the majesty of a Father who parts the waters and leads us home.
Love Love Love this idea! Thanks for sharing – and for sharing God’s story behind it 🙂
The table is a really lovely idea – and what an excellent message!! It’s so easy to forget all the blessings God gives us – and so good to remember them.
I always felt kind of bad for Joshua, what a burden (and privilege) to take on that job.. his story is a great reminder that sometimes we are challenged to do things we might not have really wanted to do ..but that can help us to grow in the Lord if we lean on him throughout.
Thanks for that ..I needed it in my day. 😀
Erin, your blog always has posts that inspire me and lift my heart. Whether it’s a fun decorating idea, a message about God’s love, or a little of both, you really know how to make people smile. I always leave your blog feeling a little cheerier about life. =)
I love how your faith goes into your posts. As a new Christian reading your blog gives me encouragement to stay in gods word. Thank you for that! 😉
PS-I love the table
Your blog was a Stone of Remembrance for me today. Thank you so much.
I love your take on my post! I especially LOVED this…
“May we all know the majesty of a Father Who parts the waters and leads us home.”
Thank you, Erin.
YOu have a really beautiful blog and your friends table is so inspiring thank you for a great visit!