Rejoicing in Motherhood

 I hope that everyone enjoyed a beautiful Mother’s Day.
This was my second Mother’s Day as a mother myself and the joy of it still seems almost unreal.  I hope that it always stays that way . . .

                                                                                          Mr. Dream Boat

I am in the process of making some design changes over the coming days, please excuse the dust!


  1. Erin, what lovely pics! Those eyelashes on Wynn~wowza! It is hard to explain why motherhood gets so much better…but you will see that it does with every passing year 🙂 hugs, cathy

  2. What a handsome little man. Love the picture frame!

    And did you get your hair cut? So pretty!

    Happy (belated) Mother’s Day!


  3. Your post brought back a flood of memories. My two sons were such a blessing to me, as I had been told I probably would not have children, God had a better idea.

    Have you every read the little book: “Love You Forever” by Robert Munsch”? I love this part, “I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always, As long as I’m living my baby you’ll be.”
    My babies are 38 and 40 and that sentiment is still true.

    Enjoy each day to the fullest, I have no doubt you will Erin…be blessed!

  4. perhaps unwanted editing, but you misspelled ‘decidedly’ –

  5. Love your pics! The new blog re-design is beautiful! 🙂 Hubby and I took some couples photos last year and we used a wooden photo frame with our heads inside, the large frame is so neat!

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