A faithful friend is the medicine of life.
~ Ecclesiastes 6:16~
I was overwhelmed by the kindness of one of my design consultation winners, and wanted to share this cool story here in hopes it inspires you too. One of the three winners contacted Layla with the following email:
. . . I read all of the other contestants’ posts on Erin’s blog and I can tell there are a few other people that really need your help, so I would like to pay my big win forward by paying for another consultation with you to give to someone else who didn’t win . . .
This winner went on to select a particular person who had left a comment that spoke to her-and then purchased a consultation for that person! How cool is that!!???!! The person that she chose was . . . alanasmommy!!!
alanasmommy said…
Oh how I have thought a million times about a consult from Layla!! I love her blog and I love yours as well! We (hubby, jay 10, alana 8, baby schuyler 20 months, and baby aiden 6 months, and a new pug, myself) moved into a fixer upper about a year ago! We have been “camping” out downstairs for months,while trying to gut upstairs for the bedrooms! Needless to say the novelty has worn off. Oh, to have ideas for at least one space to be completed!! Oh to go to bed before midnight clean from dirt and grime!!Someday!!!
Oh how I have thought a million times about a consult from Layla!! I love her blog and I love yours as well! We (hubby, jay 10, alana 8, baby schuyler 20 months, and baby aiden 6 months, and a new pug, myself) moved into a fixer upper about a year ago! We have been “camping” out downstairs for months,while trying to gut upstairs for the bedrooms! Needless to say the novelty has worn off. Oh, to have ideas for at least one space to be completed!! Oh to go to bed before midnight clean from dirt and grime!!Someday!!!
Alanasmommy, email Layla to set up your consult! 🙂 laylapalmer@aol.com
I was really honored to be a part of this on-going chain of human kindness. And when I asked this winner if I could share her email on the blog she responded:
Thank You for wanting to share my e-mail. I must say I feel a little shy about it. If you wouldn’t mind keeping it anonymous, I think I would feel better. I would love for other people to feel inspired by the act itself, not be distracted by who did it. I hope that’s ok. I truly believe that kindness can start with just one person and from there, the possibilities are endless..you just have to believe…
Beautiful! And Amen, sister!
photo from here
How wonderful!!!!!
That is such a great story! Every morning I read the paper and listen to the news and it is always bad. It is so nice to come here and read that someone is doing something kind.
Please tell your anonymous gifter that she is amazing! Such generosity and kindness of spirit is a treasure! I am inspired!
Wow Erin! My heart just aches for them. Isn’t it amazing when you are thinking “whoa is me” and God puts it right in your face. Buck up little camper – be thankful – many have it way worse than you my precious. Right in my face… thank you Jesus! Beauty of being graciously humbled.
Erin and Anonymous!!..Oh my gosh!!I actually just started to cry! So happy and touched at the same time by such a wonderful act of kindness. I was feeling a little down today and my little boy reminded me that GOD answers prayers in many different ways and never gives you more than you can handle! What wisdom from a 10 year old!!Thank you so much for inspiring all of us! Alanasmommy
I’m so happy for you, Alanasmommy! Be sure to email Layla to get started with her. You have a very wise little one there-absolutely precious.