Our Evelyn Delphine

evelyn newborn blog

Our precious daughter, Evelyn Delphine Mary, is here!

She was born weighing 8 lbs + 6 oz and was 20.5 inches.

We are home from the hospital and settling into this new life with 3 little loves.  I am praising the Lord through the newborn fog and sleep-deprivation.  She is absolutely a dream come true.


  1. Congratulations! So pleased you have another love to add to your fold. The boys must be thrilled with her. So happy for you and your children as you continue on this beautiful journey together.

  2. Congratulations..she is lovely. The Lord brought you and one other young mother to mind to pray for this month.
    May your hearts continue to be full of joy.

  3. Congratulations to you and your family! Your boys will ADORE and protect her.

  4. Congratulations on a beautiful blessing and what a lovely name!

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