Ordinary Acts of Kindness

I am so excited to announce the following two ideas!

Before the announcements, a “brief” aside:

I have written before that I started this blog at a time in my life where I was craving something MORE. I wanted a place where I could record the little, simple, beautiful things in everyday life that otherwise go unmentioned or unappreciated due to the basic act of trying to survive another stressful day.

I started blogging (selfishly?) for me.

I wanted a place where I could record how amazing the first daffodils of spring look after a hard cold winter, and how a homemade pie can take the edge off even the most stressful of work days. I am a simple girl at heart. My husband would be the first to tell you that nothing makes me happier than crawling into bed at night with freshly washed sheets.

To my amazement, other people began reading this journal of the little things, and somehow I have had nearly 100,000 visitors to this site in less than a year! As the blog has grown, so have my ideas and desires for this little corner of the world. (details below)

I encourage you, today, no matter what the circumstances, stop and pick some wildflowers outside your front door (weeds count, even leaves from a tree, I’m a big weed picker!), put them in a vase in your bathroom and enjoy the colors and textures of Nature. Wash your bedding, crawl into bed tonight and breathe the scent of fabric softener and know how lucky you are to have a bed and a home. Bake something, even if it is out of a box! Make sure it has lots of sugar and butter! Indulge and embrace the simple things that make life meaningful. If you have children, hold them tight, scratch their backs when they crawl into bed at night and take the time to smell the sweet smell of their hair. Remember the texture of your little one’s favorite stuffed animal or blanket, soon enough it will be relegated to a closet or a basement. If you are blessed with a spouse, hold them close and tell them they are your hero. Love deeper, if just for today. Sit back and watch what it does to your heart.

In effort to love deeper, if just for today, I’m excited to announce the following!!

1. I would like to open up FREE advertising on my blog to anyone who is running, or just beginning to run, their own Etsy shop, or self-started small business. I think it is so important to encourage each other in these simple ways and I know that many women start their own small businesses, on Etsy or elsewhere, in order to earn extra money to stay at home with their children. Please email me if you would like to advertise here. proverbs2434@gmail.com I will get together the details. Space will be limited on a first come first serve basis to make sure the blog is not taken over by ads. 🙂 Right now my plan is to cycle ads each month. No fees, no hidden agenda, just an ordinary act of kindess.

2. A sweet friend nominated me for a blog award at the site Divine Caroline in the Home category. The winner in each category earns $250 and I would LOVE to win that money to send to this incredible husband and wife team who gave up the easy life in the U.S. to become missionaries working with orphans in a hospital in Ethiopia. If you want to be inspired to dig deeper and love bigger, check out their site, because they are inspiring in every sense of the word. And please follow the icon at the top right to vote! (Edit, or here is the link: http://www.divinecaroline.com/awards/Aug-09/2153-rare-and-beautiful-treasures) I do think you’ll be prompted to “register” after you click “vote” by supplying an email address and making up a password (sorry for that inconvenience).

‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’
“The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’

Matthew 25:37-40

If you stuck with me through this whole post/epistle, THANK YOU! I am so glad you are here! Now go forth and bake something with lots of sugar and butter and soak up the last days of summer.

darling image at top from here .


  1. What an awesome post and extraordinary idea. I just lost a friend this week who was only 2 years older than I and died in her sleep of a cause yet to be determined. Her funeral was packed by people who had been so touched by her life of giving and loving. It has reminded me, yet again, how so many of the things we spend our time on are SO unimportant and that giving and loving really are the most important things.

  2. What a fabulous, insirational post. Today I will pull myself out of a bit of a rut, go outside and pick some of the wild freesias growing in my garden and enjoy the first days of Spring. Thank you for reminding me that I have all that I need.

  3. I have read your blog for awhile now, always enjoying what you have to say. But today, you made me smile. What a kind and loving person you must be. God bless you and all who gain from your kindness. I’ll be sure to watch the advertisements and support those who are trying to live by their gifts.

  4. Beautiful post. You have a heart of gold. Soaking up moments with my mom right now!

  5. Aw, what a thoughtful post! I like how you enjoy the simple pleasures. You are so blessed, and obviously you know how to let your light touch others! 🙂 What a sweet idea for advertising, curious to see who shows up on your site!

  6. I’ve just found your blog and am so thrilled and inspired by what you have here. Good luck in the contest!

  7. Such a sweet blog… you have a wonderful writing style and a heart of gold and are an amazing designer!! Your home is flawless…

    I LOVE your heart for the Lord!


  8. I absolutely love this idea, Erin. What a wonderful way to give back. You have a heart of gold, and I hope that all you have given comes back to you ten-fold. :bighug

  9. Loving this blog thank you Erin! I have been battling depression, and I felt the Lord had encouraged me that He would give me “beauty for ashes.” I then came across your site. It had inspired me to begin my own campaign to bless others, including my husband, family, friends and whoever the Lord brings to mind. I have called it Touch of Beauty. The goal is to complete one thing each day, even small, as a blessing to someone’s life. How blessed I was then to find that today’s title is Ordinary Acts of Kindness! Be encouraged that your blog is touching people as far away as NZ!

  10. Erin-

    When we worked together, I couldn’t put finger on why we connected so well and why I thought you were such a cool person…I now know why. I could not agree more about the simple pleasures in life. Life is too short to not take a moment to stop, hug the ones you love, and take it all in!

  11. I love hearing bloggers’ stories of how they got into blogging! This is always a great place to stop in. I love your pictures and your words and your heart. Keep going! : )

  12. You are so sweet and kind. Wish we could have a cup of lemonade and sit and chat.

    Just wanted to come by to touch base. My blog has been growing so rapidly I haven’t had time to come for visits. I miss all of my blog friends and needed to stop in just to say hi and invite you to come for a visit as well.

    Its SoVery Cheri

  13. Erin- Again you make me proud to call you my friend! You made me cry when you talked about holding your kids tighter, smelling their hair (which I LOVE to do ) etc. You are an inspiration. I could live on this blog. thanks!-Cheyne 😉

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