It’s a . . .


And everything on the ultrasound looked healthy, healthy, healthy.  I can’t tell you the relief and joy to know that he is growing and thriving and measuring right on track for a mid-September arrival.  Thank you so much for praying with us!

When I was pregnant with Wynn, I was sure that he was a girl.   I really bonded with the idea of a girl those first 20 weeks (rookie mistake!) When it was super obvious that Wynn was in fact ALL BOY on his 20 week ultrasound, I was sort of in a fog for the following 24 hours trying to wrap my head around that new reality.  After that brief adjustment period, my heart and my head were 100% on board with being a boy mama and I honestly wouldn’t have traded that for anything.  I spent the second half of that pregnancy bonding with the idea of a son.

This time around I tried not to think too much at all on whether baby no. 2 was a girl or boy, even considered waiting until delivery day to find out daughter or son.  But after a tough first five months of pregnancy, it is such a fun and rewarding milestone to find out and start to plan things like the nursery and baby clothes.  My husband also really wanted to know!

So here we are, blessed beyond belief, blessed with another son.  I am humbled by God’s faith in me to mother two boys and raise them into Godly men.  I am at a total loss as to how to do that on my own but I believe that God will meet me every day, in the trenches, and work through me, if I empty myself and make room for Him. 

How incredible are these pictures captured by 4D ultrasound?!  The detail just stakes my breath away.  

He takes my breath away. 

The Lord has done this,
    and it is marvelous in our eyes.
Psalm 118:23


  1. Congratulations! What an amazing blessing! So thankful for a healthy brother for Wynn. And getting to decorate a boys’ room- fun for you!

  2. Congratulations to you! I think it is such a gift for a boy to have a brother; praying that they are always special friends.

  3. I agree … raising good men is a privilege.

    (And a setting up a true bunk room for brothers will be fun too.)


  4. Congrats, Erin! I think the Lord is giving you boys for that very reason, to raise them to be Godly men. They are both in great hands with you as their mama. By the way, I just saw your last post with the photo of your bump! You are so beautiful, I love that you accentuated with the skinny belt. 🙂

  5. How wonderful is our God, how awesome that He has given such amazing technology that we can see our babes before they enter in to the world here on planet earth. I was blessed with two sons and consider it a great honor from the Lord. My prayers go up for you right now that God will give you all that you need to be the Mom that each of them need. Enjoy these last months of your pregnancy as you anticipate the arrival of your 2nd son.

  6. How wonderful is our God, how awesome that He has given such amazing technology that we can see our babes before they enter in to the world here on planet earth. I was blessed with two sons and consider it a great honor from the Lord. My prayers go up for you right now that God will give you all that you need to be the Mom that each of them need. Enjoy these last months of your pregnancy as you anticipate the arrival of your 2nd son.

  7. I am so incredibly happy for you guys!
    You will LOVE having two boys so close in age….
    oh the years of playing in mud and building towers and playing with matchbox cars you’ll have!

    Boys LOVE their mama!!!

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