Top Ten Reasons Today is a Beautiful Day:
1. My headache went away before noon.
2. At noon, I went to the farmers’ market and bought the first Macintosh apples of the fall to make an apple pie.
3. That means that at 6 p.m. tonight, I will be barefoot and pregnant, in the kitchen, and therein, fulfilling a lifelong dream.
4. I am wearing my go-to red heels.
5. I think they may just have scored me a discount on the apples.
6. Speaking of apples, my baby is now about the size of an apple, and I’m proud of all the hard work it took to get to this point!
7. I felt the baby move for the first time a few nights ago, so every minute of every day I am waiting to feel him/her again so my world can stop.
8. Mr. Marvelous.
9. I know that tonight, by 7:30 p.m., Mr. Marvelous will be sitting with me on the sofa, eating homemade apple pie, and talking to our baby.
So what is beautiful in your world?
That is so sweet! Today isn’t a fabulous day for me actually, but I’m trying to focus on the good despite the bad!
Mmmm. God is good – on so many levels. What a wonderful time in your life this is. The anticipation of a new baby AND homemade apple pie? I don’t think you can get much better than that.
What is good in my world? It’s raining outside and I love it. My kids love to play in the rain and the giggles that I get to hear because of it melt my heart. Nap time is lasting a little longer than usually so I am getting a few more things accomplished…I could go on and on. ;D
Enjoy your baby conversations and your pie.
This is my first time commenting! Woo hoo!
Those apples look delicious! Makes me want some homemade apple pie right now, too!
Something good in my world right now? Let’s see: My work day is almost over! 🙂
This might be my favorite blog post I’ve ever read! I’m not sure what it is about it, but I love it. Congratulations!
And maybe this time next year, you will be in the kitchen making homemade applesauce to put up for baby food?!
Beautiful in my life? Everything.
It’s a beautiful day because fall is 6 days away and Christmas (the best time of year ever)is only 100 days away:) Please post your pie recipe!!
What a sweet post! Thanks for the reminder to find the beautiful in everyday things! I’m getting to spend some much needed time with some girlfriends tomorrow…B-E-A-utiful!
Apple pie sounds delicious! Isnt it the greatest thing ever to feel the baby move!?
Oh what a sweet post Erin – definitely all wonderful reasons that today is a wonderful day! In about 20 minutes I get to go home to not only dan and the boys, but his brother all the way here from Texas, an aunt and uncle from Chicago and homemade chili. God is very good! 🙂
1. The start of a women’s group this morning.
2. The idea of fall around the corner.
3. Gorgeous clouds and stopping for the first time in years to watch them move.
4. Time off from work.
5. Seeing my own Mr. Marvelous, even for a short second!
This is my first time visiting. You have a beautiful blog. I love all the pictures, they’re so inspiring. Happy pie baking! You get to eat two pieces, right? Eating for two? 🙂
Congratulations Erin! That sounds like a perfect day!
Our God is an Awesome God!
ps – you made me all teary-eyed 😉
I am very blessed and humbled by all the beautiful blogs I have had the opportunity to visit… yours is truly one of my new favorites! thank you for the glimpse into your life! blessings to you and yours! What part of the hoosier state are currently residing in?
As always, great post! There are so many beautiful things about today:
1. I helped my father
2. I sat in Madeline’s nursery and talked to my Mom for an hour.
3. My husband is by far the most amazing and patient person I have ever met
4. I absolutely adore my baby girl
5. I read your blog 🙂 (oh and now I so want apple pie!)
Thanks for the daily inspiration.
So sweet and beautiful. I smiled all while I was reading and am still smiling now. Lovely post!!
Your post was sweet. It is important to realize the good things in our lives….mine today are
1. I had my grandson for 2 hours yesterday and he is walking
2. I am not pregnant (at my age that would be a disaster, but I am happy for those of you who are!)
3. I am going to get my hair highlighted because it needs it badly.
4. Then I am going to lunch with a friend.
5. Then I will spend the afternoon sewing.
6. Last, it is September, and we have the most beautiful Septembers in the world!!!!!
Thanks for your post!
Erin I just started following your blog and I think you should know that some random girl/woman (me) in Saskatoon (Cananda) thinks you are a beautiful woman of God, thank you for the joy you share
ahahaha nice work on the spelling Dominique, Canada
Beautiful! :))) You inspired me.