Inspiring Holiday Entries

This first picture makes me wish I had a white picket fence with a gate!

Fabulous coastal lanterns!

I am a sucker for all things monogrammed, so I was instantly drawn to the decoration on this front door-a unique alternative to the traditional wreath.

There is that white picket fence again! Also love the real greenery swag. Last year was our first Christmas in the new house and I bought fresh greenery to decorate our front steps and porch and it looks so much more lovely than the fake stuff-definitely worth the small amount spent. It should be available at your local Christmas tree lot.

These presents are cute but wouldn’t fare well in our northern climate. Again, love the greenery and coastal lanterns. You don’t need to spend an outrageous amount on great light fixtures-I was in Home Depot yesterday and thought their options for lanterns and lantern-like sconces were every bit as great as the more-expensive Pottery Barn versions.

All images, here.

If this website has meant something to you in the past year, please take a minute to pass on the ministry and vote for Rare and Beautiful Treasures in the Divine Caroline Awards by clicking here. I so want to win that prize money to send to the orphans in Ethiopia this Christmas. I am currently in 8th place, trailing by about 200 votes πŸ™‚ , but with God anything is possible, right?
Thanks, friends!
Love to you all!


  1. Love the monograms and the wreaths in the windows. I so need to get to decorating! Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. I clicked over from Layla’s- loved your post there and these doors……sigh…

    Enjoy your holiday!


  3. I am so jealous of all of these! I even want that little fatty of a corgi on the front porch πŸ˜‰

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