We are still in the Carolinas (now North Carolina) and we are enjoying the most beautiful fall along the blue ridge.
Thanks to all who asked for updated Michigan beach cottage pictures. New pictures and decorating ideas are coming soon! I expect a good coat of snow will be waiting our arrival back in Michigan .. . I have wanted to decorate a beach cottage for Christmas ever since I picked up my first December issue of Coastal Living years and years ago.
In the meantime, we are enjoying our time down south immensely. The weather has been beautiful and Wynn is at such a fun and curious age, we are out and about with him all the time. Most days I tell him that we are going to “go on an adventure” and he runs for his shoes and waits at the door saying “vrooom!!!”, meaning “let’s get in the car!” He is the best companion, we have so much fun together! He is obsessed with pumpkins. After his Grandaddy introduced him to his first jack-o-lantern, he took to calling all pumpkins “Jack” and now walks around waiving to any pumpkin he sees saying, “Hi Jack!!!! Hi Jack!!!”
I am blown away when I look at pictures of him this year as compared with one year ago . . .
I am starting to think he really needs a little brother or sister for a playmate!
I was told once that parents have the first child for themselves and any others as playmates for each other. May the Lord bless you with a whole cotaage full of kiddos.
What beautiful pictures! I can’t get over how much he has grown!! Enjoy your time away.
Awww, I love North Carolina mountains! Yes, enjoy before heading North. 😉 Such sweet photos for such sweet times. 🙂
Aw, he is such a handsome little guy.
Siblings are fun! Praying for as many blessings as you and the Lord would like!
You are a woman blessed and loved much by the Lord. He is faithful and will give you your heart’s desires. Have a fabulous vacation!
Each time I read your blog I am so blessed. It has been a joy to see Wynn grow up before our eyes, he is such a beautiful child. Train him well.
Blessings, Joy
a. i’m so glad you’re having a great trip!
b. i LOVE the pumpkins story!
c. i love, love, L.O.V.E. the idea of a playmate!!!
Can’t wait to celebrate a playmate on the way for your boy, who is growing so fast!
When do you guys head back to MI?
Lovely place to have a vacation at!