In the Land of “Pinfection”

I may have finally identified the deep-seeded psychological reason that Pinterest is so easy to love (and hard to leave).  For me, and many like-minded others, it provides a mental vacation to a land of perfection . . . or “Pinfection,” if you will.  Even if for only a precious, glorious twenty minutes a day,  one can take the first step toward being all things and doing all things without having to leave the comfort of one’s couch.

Consider, for example, the following things that actually came across my Pinterest feed and my reasons behind deciding to pin them:

“Handmade, handstamped Christmas wrap”: Why yes, don’t mind if I do!  What a fabulous idea!  I can absolutely see myself making my own gift wrap, sipping hot chocolate on a snowy afternoon while my children take simultaneous four-hour naps.  The little angels.  Gosh, I am relaxed just thinking about this!  PIN IT!  ahhhhhhh.

“Keep your House Clean in just 15 Minutes a Day”– Oh happy day!  Imagine, I have been spending all day, every day, picking up and cleaning up and scrubbing down counters when I really only need to be spending fifteen magical minutes!  Just knowing that I can exchange my “all day, every day” cleaning routine for this 15 minute routine makes me feel relaxed, accomplished and a bit empowered.  PIN IT!  Super Woman, hand over the cape.  Tomorrow is a new day and just think of all the time I am going to have to do things like make homemade Christmas wrap in my sparkling clean house while my children take four hour simultaneous naps (the little angels)!

“The ultimate supermodel body workout”– Yes!  PIN IT!  And wow, just by clicking “PIN,” I feel like I have taken the first big step towards getting super fit!  In fact, I think I am more fit!  Now, I think I’ll relax, have a cup of hot chocolate and handstamp some Christmas wrap.


“Dark Chocolate Cream Cheese Pound Cake”– YES!    I love to bake and can certainly stand the calories now that I am going to be following the afore-pinned “Ultimate Supermodel Workout.”   In the land of Pinfection, it makes perfect sense to pin workouts and pound cakes back to back.  I am Julia Child and Heidi Klum.  My husband is not going to know what hit him!  PIN IT!


Just looking at the photo above puts me one step closer to throwing the perfect outdoor soiree- something I have always wanted to do.  My friends are going to love me!  And look at my barn!  I can almost smell the acreage.  PIN!

And how cute would my children look running around my acreage with a little lamb or two?  What a pretty package that would be!  Every  red barn needs a lovely little lamb or two.  And besides, I love white.  He will match the color scheme of my dreamy white farm house.

Oh, that dreamy white farmhouse?  Pinned that yesterday.  And by “pinned”, I mean “made a psychological down payment toward the purchase.” (I was instantly pre-approved).  Pinfection!

Before we get to the interior of my dream house, did you see its fantastic Dutch Door?!  And check out my dog.  What a cutie! (He walks himself and never has to go to the vet)  PIN!

“Candace Olsen’s Favorite Paint Colors”- That is a definite repin.  My dream house is going to be so beautiful.  Makes me feel much better about the fact that my current house could use some paint touch-ups.  No matter.  Soon I will be moving  my Heidi Klum body into my farmhouse with matching lamb and when my friends are sitting at my ultimate outdoor soiree, eating chocolate pound cake, they are not going to remember that my old house was bit dingy.

Let’s see, what else?


Ahhh, yes.  I could certainly take my new supermodel body for a breezy bicycle ride in a tropical locale (PIN IT!), and look at that, I just did!  What a cute little doggy, my big cuddle bug must have needed a buddy . . . hope he won’t chase my little lamb.

I could go on and on, but:

1) I think you get my point and

2) my children are getting antsy, so my twenty minutes of Pinfection must be over for the day.

Perhaps see you again soon in this land of Pinfection?

I will be the one wearing the super cute boots and coordinating leg warmers.


and, of course, sporting the perfectly made-up red lips.

Hey now, stop laughing.

Love this post?  Why, pin it of course!

{Disclaimer:  I adore Pinterest.  And chocolate pound cake.  My children have never taken a four hour nap, let alone simultaneously.  They are still my little angels.)

All images above via the Rare & Beautiful Treasures Pinterest page.  Feel free to follow along!


  1. I’m a huge fan of Pinterest-so many great ideas that I don’t have to put into folders all over my desktop anymore. 😉 One thing I have noticed though is that it does feed into perfectionism which is not real life as you eluded to. All in all though I’ve found some great recipes, new favorite quotes and beautiful images which serve as creative inspiration for me. 🙂

    • I really do love it Karla. I would take a half hour of pinterest over a half hour of tv any day. But I also love things like handstamping wrapping paper!!!! Not in this season of my life, but I guess I am pinning it for the next season.

  2. This post made me giggle. It’s so true, isn’t it? By pinning beautiful images we believe somehow that we are achieving something (at least I do). I adore pinterest but have to keep things in perspective. I had to laugh yesterday when I came across an e-card that read “I’m convinced that Pinterest was made up by a group of men in order to convince women to clean, cook, and work out.” And of course I pinned said ecard 🙂 Thanks for brightening my day!

  3. So funny. Thanks for the reality check! Pinterest life would be so time consuming. Real life is simpler.

    By the way, your fall pictures from the last post are perfect and real and simple.

  4. I loved this so much, I’m going to pin it and label it “my best friend wrote this”. Why? Well, because you would be the perfect friend with that perfect combo of stylishness and just the right kind of sense of humor. PIN it! 😉

  5. Oh, you are soooo right! I love to gawk at Pinterest and can get lost in the looking for way too much time! I have to confess that I did try to click on the “Cleaning in 15 Minutes a Day” – who could resist trying to see if that could be achieved. But those supermodel legs? Forget it!

  6. Thanks for cracking me up:) You and I have the same idea of “pinfection”…I’ve been planning that same outdoor soiree in that same barn–ha ha.

  7. Love this post (and Pinterest)! You totally hit the “pin” on the head!

  8. Laugh out loud worthy post! Thanks! 🙂 See ya! Headed over to Pinterest. 😉

  9. I LOVE you Erin. Seriously. This was funny! I think we all feel your perfection. It’s hard not to when we are all so perfect ourselves!

  10. Oh that was too funny. And it made me feel much better about my own house which looks nothing like the pinfection of my pinterest boards. Good to be reminded that none of us are living the artificial “perfect” life, although dreaming a bit is fine!

  11. My belly laughs brought my husband upstairs to see what was going on! I was reading this to my 17 yr. old son, who is a writer, and he told his dad, “I’m not going to lie, it is really funny”!
    Thank you for the hilarious insight into human nature. You made my day!

  12. I cannot stop simultaneously laughing and pining for the farmhouse and the barnyard soiree. And the legs, of course, and the bottom worthy of biking around town in all of it’s bare glory–the perfect, dimple-free Pin-worthy derriere!

    Thank you for the laugh!!

  13. Such a fun post! I love Pinterest. I was initially concerned it might make me want things I didn’t need or set me up for failure but none of that has happened. It has given me some inexpensive ideas, good recipes and is cheaper than a magazine on a rainy afternoon. Happy pinning!

  14. hi erin! i laughed throughout this entire post! terrific! my favorite recent pin was the 4 minute workout that burns as many calories as running for 45 minutes. i didn’t re-pin it, but certainly had a chuckle at those that did! 🙂 in a friendly way, of course! i enjoy your blog but for some reason it has not been updating in google reader for me so i thought you’d taken a little blogging hiatus till i saw you leave a comment on another blog and i stopped by to see if you had updated. congratulations on the birth of baby james. i’m a mama of two boys and wouldn’t have it any other way. congratulations on joining the club. i love tossing around the phrase “my boys”. yours are beautiful and their halloween costumes were DARLING!!
    xo, tessa

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