Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity Jig!

We are back home after an extended weekend trip to beautiful North Carolina. Traveling with a 2 month old is a tad exhausting πŸ™‚ and boy was I glad to climb into my bed last night when we finally made it back home. I slept like a baby. We all did (thankfully)!

More soon and love to all,


  1. He is such a little cutie! Sleeping in my own bed is always my favorite part of getting back home. πŸ™‚
    Glad you had a fun and safe trip.

  2. a trip to OBX? (saw the mag in your bedroom shoot…) we were planning on going this year- but decided to take a break- it’s a LONG DRIVE! and I’m assuming your drive is + a few hours from where I am…. start those little travelers off early! πŸ™‚

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