Good Morning World

When was the last time you made fresh squeezed orange juice just for you? I normally reserve that indulgence for house guests, but this morning made juice just for myself.


When was the last time you got up in the morning to enjoy even just ten minutes of quiet before your day starts? My summer-time resolution is to wake up early enough during the summer days to have coffee outside on the deck, in the morning light, just me and God.

As I read this week, “take time to enjoy the silence each morning, it will be evening before you have silence again.”

Ahhhh . . . morning.

Good, Great Morning.

All photos, House Beautiful


  1. wow! i would like to start my morning out with a cup of coffee in ANY of those! Beautiful pictures! might print a few out for my “this is what I would like my house to look like” file. πŸ™‚

  2. Good morning to you! I’ve tried to get up in the morning before the kids, to have a little bit of quiet, but when I do, it seems like the kids just get up earlier. I’ve asked my daughter about this, and she said that they see the light shining from under the door, and they know it is morning. So I have given up! My husband and I usually get our quiet time in the evening, when we send the kids to bed at 7 oclock. But I would love to have some time to myself in the morning. Maybe when they are all teen-agers? πŸ™‚

  3. Gorgeous! I think you should check out The Lettered Cottage blog-you two are like peas in a pod!

  4. I am not sure if my other post registered?? Anyway-great stuff. I think you would like a blog called The Lettered Cottage-it is right up your ally.

  5. Yes, I love the morning bliss….6a.m….yoga, tea, time for me….perfect. Then I can be a wonderful Mom when my kids start stirring.

  6. I love your resolution! In fact, I think I will have to “steal” it from you!

    Getting up in the morning with the sun warming your skin and a fresh cup of coffee IS bliss.

    I believe that if everyone took the time to have some peace and quiet in the morning, people will be much happier during the day.

  7. How fun – I wake up at 5 to get a work out in before my kiddos wake up. I usually have about 15 minutes or so after my shower before the morning really starts. I love it!

  8. this post is wonderful. i cherish those moments…quiet moments…divine moments, for they are the perfect beginning to a beautiful day.

  9. Hi, I came across your blog, and find it so pretty! I love the style, and love the beach, too! Thanks for your inspirations!

    I too, hope to get up earlier in the mornings and savor that quiet time, to yourself, to pray, and maybe a chore πŸ™‚ Thanks for sharing!

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