Go Glam Without Breaking the Bank

Are you familiar with the website Myhomeideas? If not, let me introduce you to what will surely be a dear friend in all of your decorating endeavors. Somehow I managed to get myself on their email list, so I get all of the latest articles in my inbox about once a month. For Free!

You’ve Got Mail!

. . . and these are great articles! With a round-up of pictures originating from all of your favorites in one common place: Cottage Living (sniff, good-bye old friend), Coastal Living (back off, recession!), and the like.

For instance, today I got the latest article: Get Designer Flash for Half the Cash! How is that for recession appropriate? Or just plain smart. Read on for my favorite tips and pictures from this article, and click here for the article in its entirety.

Create a Grand Entrance
An old front door gives a new house instant character. This English pine door was salvaged from a ruined building. A stand-alone picket gate may seem out of place without a fence, but it adds cottage charm for less time and money.

Elevate Common Items
For a custom look, try adding a three-inch band of striped fabric to the edge of inexpensive curtain panels. Play with levels of formality by using an unexpected material, such as rope or twine, to hang prized objects on the walls.

Skip the Mats
Framing prints or other art on paper between panes of glass allows your wall color to show through. This trick creates an immediate visual dialogue between the room’s color and the artwork.

Use What You Have
Say goodbye to stainless steel filing cabinets and dark brown desks, and make your home office playful and inviting. We decoupaged this draftsman desk with inexpensive marine charts. The end result is a one-of-a-kind custom desk you can create in an afternoon.

Live on the Edge
If your trim is more interesting than the walls, go ahead and call it out with color. “I don’t think you have to follow the old rule that trim has to be white and color is saved for the walls,” reassures Steven.

Mix It Up
Bored with a perfectly coordinated bedroom’s monotony and symmetry? Try pairing mismatched bedside lamps. You can find inexpensive, interesting lamps and other accessories at flea markets; just remember to look for complementary shades that pull everything together.

Control the Clutter
Coat hooks are a thrifty and stylish answer to crowded, jumbled drawers. Stephen uses baskets, hooks, and open shelving to create a user-friendly kitchen, putting utensils (and utility) front and center. Toss out the knick-knacks and invest in well-designed, colorful appliances you can proudly display on your counter tops.

* * * * *

Which idea is your favorite? I had never thought of framing pictures without the mattes, as shown above, and I’m already planning on doing this in my living room after Lent is over and I can once again embrace Kohls as a long lost love.
Are you interested in seeing more articles here on decorating on a budget? Let me know!

P.S., Myhomeideas is doing this segment for the month of March, 31 beautiful Bedrooms in 31 days. TGIM after all, friends!

Even if it is still below freezing.


  1. I love that too Ashley!! It has such a cool industrial look to it-better than most manufactured pieces!

  2. I love this post Erin! I am going to keep my eye open for coat hooks as I don’t have much storage and they can be fun decor as well as useful! Also I loved the colors in the living in the edge room… the combination of all the blues and greens really speaks to me.

  3. This was a great read,Erin. I’m always looking for interesting twists on things. The fish hung by rope over the fireplace was right up my alley. Keep them coming!

  4. Erin,
    Open shelving in the kitchen and clutter cutting is my favorite! I think opening up a shelf or two in the kitchen goes along way by breaking up the vast sea of solid doors on cabinets. It also instantly creates character. I am a container girl! Baskets, jars, stationary boxes, and tea tins are the best! Thank you for sharing wonderful ideas. In this economy… bring on the money saving tips! :0)

  5. I used old windows to display my husband’s photographs. Same idea as the pictures without mats only with old window frames. And yes, I would would love more articles.

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