Friday Thoughts and Pictures

Some thoughts I shared with a friend this morning that I thought someone else might need to hear today:

Everything is as it should be in God’s perfect timing.

Take a deep breath and be encouraged that everything is as it should be in God’s perfect timing.
Repeat, repeat, repeat to yourself all day long.

The Lord is my Shepard.

I shall not want.

He makes me lie down in green pastures.

He leads me beside still waters.

He restores my soul.


  1. I shall not want?
    But I want that baby!
    He is so CUTE!
    Hope you are doing well and fussies have died down.
    Love the daddy/son pic…they have the same profile!

  2. Erin that is so true and something I have to remind myself on a regular basis. Wynn is so darn adorable! Love the pics of him with his daddy!

    ~ Tracy

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