Desperate For You

How great is my desire for my Heavenly Father?  His presence?  His word?  Am I desperate for Him?

ballet 11-2

The sky glows pink and hazy orange when my baby stands on tip toe, eyes searching above the lip of the window sill.

He is twelve months full of joy and demanding spirit, this sweet blessing of ours, pressed to the glass of the windowpanes, his demand a sharp arrow into evening’s dusk.


He toddles back and forth in pajama-clad feet, beneath windows set just slightly too high for him to see out, to understand.  His view is limited.  He catches glimpses by tiptoe, the picture incomplete, unclear. And yet he calls.  He calls out with all his heart, all of his precious baby strength.

“Dadda!” “Dadda??!”

He searches. He walks this house, walks his whole world with a single-minded determinedness that echoes throughout these walls, this mama heart, saying:

You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water. Psalm 63:1

I scoop up this babe and draw him to my heart, whisper that his daddy is only outside, that he will be back soon.  And when the front door finally opens, his shrieks of delight are warmer than our setting sun.  He grips my husband’s legs, then neck, delights in the presence and protection of him, a sheep to his shepherd.

How great is my desire for you, Lord?  Your presence?  Your word?

Am I desperate for you?

Desperate with the faith of a child?

Earnestly, I seek you Lord.  As I scrub floors and buckle car seats and mash the potatoes, may my heart call for you:

“Abba!  Daddy.” 

Teach me to hide your word in my heart, that I will find you at every turn, that your voice and wisdom and counsel will be with me.

I thirst for you in this truly dry and parched land.  For you, Abba, Daddy, are my Living Water.


  1. Erin, what a beautiful reminder of how desperate we should be for the Father! He longs for us. I have heard lately to chase after Jesus. To me that means spend more time reading the Word, praying, praising him always! Thank you for always writing what God lays on your heart and ministering to me and others. You are a beautiful vessel! Have a blessed day.


  2. Beautiful, Erin. So simple that a babe can show us how…”Let the little children come unto me,…”

    May we all be just as desperate in seeking time with our Father God.

  3. Our small group ladies shared this verse & inspiration this morning & after reading your post I thought it’d bless you too! I am ever comforted that He will put the desire for more of Him in my heart.
    Is 64:4
    From of old no one has heard or perceived by the ear, no eye has seen a God besides you, who acts for those who wait for Him.
    (thank you Jesus that you act for me! I am weak but you are strong, I am lost and you are my rescuer, I am foolish and you are wise)
    And your babies are precious!

  4. Your posts are so inspiring! I’m taking photography in 4H this year and your pictures are the kind of style I’m trying to capture. Your little boys are sooo cute! I absolutely adore little kids, your boys are also excellent models ;-)Your blog is so, so inspiring and wonderful and Godly. Your posts are actually a little like my moms! 🙂 (

  5. I just had to thank you. For this beautiful post. I have long loved your blog and been blessed by your insight and love for the Lord. You have reminded me time and time again that God is ever aware of us. Always, He is near and He is ready and willing to bless. I have always had a spot in my heart for your “picture window” post. Because it reminded me that He works so clearly in in such detail in my own life as well. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful life of testimony and faith with all of us. This morning I was running a bath for my youngest son when your blog popped into my mind. I felt compelled to read it and I knew as soon as I did that Heavenly Father led me here this morning, again. To remind me how to feel after Him, that He is always “just outside.” that our view is so limited and He is closer than we can even comprehend. And now as I attend to the dishes and the mopping and errands that fill consume today’s schedule I will think of these words…”Earnestly I seek you Lord. As I scrub floors and buckle car seats and mash the potatoes,may my heart call for Thee…teach me to hide Your word in my heart,that I will find you at every turn,that your voice and wisdom and counsel will always be with me.” Thank you for reminding me that He is there in all the big things in our lives, but even more importantly, in all the tiny little moments of our ordinary everyday living.

    • Thank you so much, Cheyenne, your words are such a blessing to me and encourage me to continue writing and sharing.

  6. You always seem to capture so much that is in my mama heart, and so much more that I never find words to.

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