Decorating Consultation GIVEAWAY!!

UPDATE: This Giveaway has ended! Thank you!!

I think that many of you reading this are already familiar with the ridiculously talented Layla, of The Lettered Cottage. If you don’t know Layla’s work, head over to her blog and check out her talents in interior design. And look for her on the next season of HGTV’s Design Star-because even if casting hasn’t been finalized yet, she has made it far in the audition process already and I know in my heart that she will be there. Layla offers Design Consultation Services through her blog. You send her a photo or photos of the room you want help with and, depending on the design consultation you chose, she will either send you detailed written feedback on how to design your room or photos of your room re-designed, or a 3D image of your room redesigned. It’s pure magic, friends!

I normally dive head-first into decorating projects on my own, but when we moved into the new house, I had absolute designer’s block when it came to our living room. I think I was scared to start because I was scared I would make mistakes, waste money, and end up in a room that wasn’t worthy of the time and effort it took to build the new house. Talk about unnecessary pressure to put on myself-no wonder my creativity was stifled. πŸ™ I turned to Layla for help and she jump-started my creativity for me!! πŸ™‚ To give you an idea of her design services, I had her do a photo consultation for me and below are two of three different room views she designed for my living room. (Please don’t judge the befores!)

I am giving away a FREE written design consultation with Layla! Everyone deserves a beautiful space and Layla will not disappoint. All you have to do to enter is leave a comment to this post before Monday night, February 9th, and I will use a random number generator to select a winner to be announced on Tuesday!

Blessings, Friends!


  1. Oh I love her blog and seriously need her services. I am at a stand still and have no idea what to do. I found you through her page and love all that you have done. Will be back to visit often!

  2. Hi Erin! Thanks for letting me know about the zebra rug. I’m going to snag your “button” code and post it next week on my sidebar if that is okay!? I do a kind of weekly roving button/link posting to new and cool blogs that I discover.
    I like all of the additional blog photos on your sidebar. This is a nicely designed site! πŸ˜‰ Have a great weekend!

  3. Layla sent me over to your blog from her post. I’m a big fan of hers. My birthday is Sunday, maybe it will bring more karma for the random generator to pick me. We are thinking about doing an addition and I’m afraid of making mistakes too. I’m not sure if she wants to take on an imaginary space. (Your blog is beautiful BTW.)

  4. I love your decorating style …and the striped paint job is to die for!! Such inspiration, thank you!

  5. Hopped over from the Lettered Cottage and love what you did with that chair!!! Love your blog too…

  6. I love the Lettered Cottage blog! Every morning when I log on, that is one blog that I hope has updated. I have a trouble spot in my home, so I would love to get some help from Layla

  7. I could desperately use help. I have a vintage condo in Chicago and just came seem to find the right style to do the space justice.

  8. How blessed you are to have Layla help you out!! I follow her blog and I actually sent her an e-mail one day asking about some fabric. She emailed me back and I was so tickled!! She may as well be famous in my book and she emailed me back!!! It is funny how blog land works. I follow a person’s blog and I feel like I know them personally when in reality I have never actually met them. So I guess what I am saying to the random picker thingy…..pick me pick me!!!

  9. Layla has such a fantastic talent and is so generous to share it with all of us. Thanks to her blog, I found your blog and can’t wait to snoop around. The Guest Bedroom walls are amazing!

    Beverly in Iowa

  10. Oh how I have thought a million times about a consult from Layla!! I love her blog and I love yours as well! We (hubby, jay 10, alana 8, baby schuyler 20 months, and baby aiden 6 months, and a new pug, myself) moved into a fixer upper about a year ago! We have been “camping” out downstairs for months,while trying to gut upstairs for the bedrooms! Needless to say the novelty has worn off. Oh, to have ideas for at least one space to be completed!! Oh to go to bed before midnight clean from dirt and grime!!

  11. Hi Erin! Love what Layla did with your living room – fabulous. I really like the idea of putting drapes around the arch.

  12. I love Layla’s blog and through hers have found yours! Would love to be entered in your giveaway. I am off now to check out more of your blog. Have a great day

  13. Ooooo, I am a huge fan of Layla’s! I am also a blog lurker and have many talented ladies bookmarked in my favorits. I enjoy sitting down with a good cup of coffee and reading everyone’s posts. I would love to win this consultation. I am in the middle of remodeling and could use some advice.


  14. Hey Girl! Love the new blog!!! You can put pictures or links to my blog on here. I would be honored!
    Love you~

  15. Headed to your blog from Layla…love your before and judging because mine are similar! Amy

  16. I am just trying to find the time to purchase Layla’s services…your house is beautiful, before & after! Amy πŸ™‚

  17. I would love to win. Layla is super talented and her ideas are always wonderful. I could really use her advice.

  18. Wow! What a wonderful giveaway. I don’t think I’ve ever commented, but I couldn’t help myself for this.

    Her design for your living room is fabulous!

  19. I’ve been contemplating asking her for a consultation, so this would be the motivation I need to actually do it. I hope I win!

  20. I just found your site and I have been following Laylas too. What talented women you both are!

  21. Oh my gosh, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE this! We are putting a contract in on a fixer and I’m overwhelmed on what to do with it!

  22. I found you through Layla’s blog. Love your sense of style. And what an awesome job on the striped walls. I would be so afraid to attempt such a thing.

    I’d love to have a consultation from Layla. Pick me, pick me.

  23. I would absolutely LOVE to win this! And, on a side note, Design Star is one of my most favorite tv shows. Can’t wait to see Layla in action! Thanks for this wonderful opportunity to win a consultation with her.

    And, your pics look great!

  24. Ooh what a great giveaway – I’ve been reading her blog for a while and really hope she makes it onto Design Star! My fingers are crossed for her! And I’m excited to discover your blog today too – I love the photos of your “new old” house. So lovely.

  25. Love Layla’s work. And I sooo need the help. I feel so in adaquite.Thanks for the opportunity!

  26. I love your blog! I would love to be entered in your giveaway! I heart both yours and Layla’s blog!

  27. My husband and I just purchased our first home – a forclosure – and have been fixing it up for the past two weeks. I have a knack for decorating and love how our place is coming together… except for one awkward room. Technically, it is the 4th bedroom, but at 8×14, with weird, sloping walls, I’m stumped. I’ve been thinking about purchasing one of Layla’s consultations, so this is a perfect contest for me! Thanks!

  28. Hi Erin (and Layla)

    I found your blog through Layla and would love a consultation for my sad, sad living room.


  29. I love the before and afters that Layla did for you!!! It is always amazing what she can do with only a few pics and measurements!!

    I love the bedding in your master – I don’t think I have ever noticed it before today!!

    Best of luck to everyone entering – if you win you will learn it is such a treat to work with Layla! πŸ™‚

  30. I absolutely adore Layla…been following her for months now. I love everything she does and even remarked about her in my first ever blog that I began last week. She has inspired me everytime I logged on to her Lettered cottage. I am beginning a redo of our 1970’s living room complete with popcorn glittered ceilings and gold linolium floors…please choose me!!! πŸ™‚

  31. I love your before and after Layla pictures! It is always so amazing what she can do with a few pictures and measurements!

    Anyone who wins will have a blast with her!

    I also love your bedding in your master! I don’t think I have ever noticed it!! Beautiful!

  32. Oh my gosh, would I ever love to be chosen. Private school tuition has kept me from doing a lot of updating and I need help! With fingers and toes crossed, Terri.

  33. It is amazing what Layla can do with only a few pictures and measurements!! Anyone who wins will have a blast!

    I LOVE your master bedding! I have never noticed it before!! πŸ™‚

    Great snow pictures!!

  34. Wow that is so sweet of you. I adore Layla! You have a great blog..LOL and I love your spoiled kitty..too cute.



  35. This sounds like a fantastic giveaway. I love the pictures of your home!

  36. So fun! I can’t wait to see her on Design Star and would love to see what she comes up with for my living room. πŸ™‚

  37. I recently found Layla’s blog and now your blog through hers. I am loving both! We just knocked a wall down in our downstairs to make one big room but now we aren’t sure what to do with all the space.

  38. I love Layla’s style and would be thrilled to have some design help from her. This is my first time on your blog – your house is amazing!

  39. I just stumbled onto your blog from a comment you left on Stephanie’s “Living in a Boy’s World.” Love your blog and will have to add it to my favorites! We just moved into an older home and I’m at a total loss as to how to decorate our den/family room!! Thanks for offering such an awesome giveaway!! πŸ™‚

  40. Oh my goodness! I would LOVE to win a design consulation with Layla! Seriously love it!

    I’m in much the same situation with my family room. We built our house a little over 6 months ago and the family room was designed around a specific piece of furniture that we cannot afford to purchase right now. I feel completely blocked and stifled about how to arrange what we already have.

    I love your blog too!

  41. great giveaway! love all the photos of your home! I love Layla’s work! In fact, I sit around my house and see things that I should take pictures of and ask her advice!

  42. Oh wow, I NEED this! I wanted to sign up to have Layla make-over my entire house (a bungalow built in 1920 – a real live cottage!) but now we are stuck doing some boring stuff…like a new roof for the garage and repairs to the home roof. = (

  43. Awesome giveaway, awesome blog! Love the Lettered Cottage and Layla’s magic! deb

  44. I would really love some help with our new, almost blank house!

  45. I would love to have Layla’s help with my little 1915 bungalow I bought in Historic Springfield of Jacksonville.

  46. We built a new home 3 years ago, and it is still not completely decorated. We are working with a very small budget, and I’m also afraid of not getting it decorated right the first time. I love Layla’s blog and would be super excited to win her consultation!

  47. sign me up! I would love a fresh eye to just re-do my stale living/dining areas! I have been following Layla’s blog for quite a while and love her fresh slant on her home- it amazes me how she always has an idea! Truth to the saying “youth is wasted on the young!”. Thanks for making her consultation available! Pick me!

  48. I would love to have a chance to win this! I immediately know which room I need help with! Your redesign looks wonderful by the way!

  49. I love Layla and now I’ve added you to my favorites. A consultation with Layla would just be icing on the cake!

  50. Got here from Layla’s blog and now I’m addicted to yours too!! Maybe a design consultation could help out my awkward little apartment!! LOL

  51. I found your blog through The Lettered Cottage. So much inspiration. I need her help.
    Tracy S in Houston

  52. I found your blog via The Lettered Cottage. I love both of your blogs and I really need her help.
    Tracy in Houston

  53. I have the weirdest fake Frank Lloyd Wright Living Room ever,–with brick & a glass cupola and wood walls. The room shape is weird, but man o man it is soooo cool. If I only knew what to do with the furniture. I believe you would be doing a public service helping this poor room out of the 1960’s. I hereby enter and remain your hopeful winning entry. Yours if you’ll have me, Jane

  54. I love Layla’s blog too! I sneak a peek every chance I get for ideas.

    My little place in the woods could sure use some professional help. It isn’t ‘night’ yet, I hope I’m not too late to enter.

    By the way, I like the bottom living room. I just love the green walls, they are so calming.

  55. Oh wow, this is a fabulous giveaway! I would LOVE to have Layla’s help with my home office. I havent been able to figure out what to do with it in the two years we’ve owned our house!

  56. what a wonderful giveaway…..I found you through Layla’s blog and I had to say hello…thank you!!

  57. I need help with the outside of my house! Please enter me in your drawing for Layla’s input! (And if it helps my birthday is on Wed (2/11) the BIG 40! Will that help the random ticker? HA!

  58. How fun! I came over from Layla’s blog, I’m a huge fan. I’m excited to have found your blog.

  59. Help save my marriage! We have an empty living room–okay, not exactly empty–there’s my great-grandmother’s piano, an eliptical exerciser and an antique side table with the Nativity scene still on it from Christmas! See how much I need Layla’s help?! Have a terrific day and good luck to everyone!
    Juliet in SoCal

  60. Oh Erin…I think this is meant to be! I just got off the phone with my very favorite 4-year old niece ~ her name is Erin as well! I went on for my daily dose of “Layla” as I have been calling it these days…and I find her announcement about your give-away. I have followed her for a while, and am in LOVE with everything the talented Miss Layla does! I could only be so lucky as to have her help with one of my rooms. And then to see the photos of your house…just to die for! I know in my heart I am going to win, just as you know Layla is going to be on Design Star! hahahaha…Thanks for the inspiration!

  61. Agh, this is so perfect! We’re about to close on a new house (our FIRST house!), and we’re a new family…. and we’re in desperate need of baby-friendly design inspiration!

  62. I so excited to have found your blog. I wouldn’t miss entering to win some advice from the talented Layla. Hope I win. I have just the space I’ve been wanting to ask her about. Can’t wait to look through your blog. Thanks.

  63. Sent here via Layla’s blog. I am also completely paralyzed as it sounds like you were. Save me, Layla! πŸ™‚ Off to check out the rest of your blog…

  64. I would LOVE to have a consultaion. She does amazing work and we are moving into a bew house soon. I could use the help!

  65. I love your blog, am now going to be following you as well as keeping up with Layla’s! You are both so inspirational!!

  66. Love the new blog site! I would love to get Layla’s opinion on our den so I hope I get picked. What a great Valentine’s present that would be!

  67. Oh, I really need decorating tips, so I hope your random generator chooses me! My office is a disaster and I can’t ever get it to a workable place! Suzie

  68. What an awesome giveaway! I just had Layla do a virtual consultation for our master bedroom and that is one talented lady! I would love to have her do another room. Thanks!!

  69. Oh this is sooooo exciting!! I love Layla’s work! Whoever wins this will be so lucky to have a design consult from her! She is headed for big things! Thanks for having this great contest!- Jessica

  70. I’d love to have her give me info for my daughter’s room. She’s now 2.5 yrs old and still not done.

  71. Nice giveaway! I have had Layla do a consult for my office and I’m waiting for my photo consult for the living area. She is wonderful. I sure would like to win this cause I am in the middle of another bedroom that I sure would love to have Layla’s input on. Thanks!

  72. Erin…I love your taste and I agree with you about Layla. She has great vision and really beautiful taste.
    I would be thrilled to have a free written consultation. My FIL is coming to live with us, and I need to do some rearranging to make room.
    Thanks so much.

  73. Would love a Layla space in my very own home, Thanks, Jennifer S

  74. I really need some help with some problem areas! Great post. Throw my name in the hat please!

  75. This is wonderful. After just adopting our funds are depleted so I could really use this.


  76. Hi! Just came over from Layla’s blog…I love it and now I have subscribed to your fun one as well. Hope to win!

  77. I found you via Layla’s blog – eeeek! I would LOVE to win a consultation from her. I love Layla and I know she could help me with my oh so boring kitchen/dining/family room (yes, they are all in one open space!) I keep thinking I need to ask her quick before she becomes all rich and famous from winning Design Star (because you know she will!) She’s that good.

  78. Layla is awesome, I’d love to win.
    You’re home looks lovely, I’m going to check out more of your pictures.

  79. I love your blog. Beautiful pictures. It is so cool to be able to share ideas with others in the world about our passions.
    I’d love an opportunity at winning one of Layla’s consultations.

  80. I love Layla and I’d love to win. My new (old) house could use a bit of direction…Thanks for hosting this!

  81. Love Layla and even if I don’t win……..I feel like a winner because I found this great blog.

  82. Wow! What a great contest! Love Layla’s work! She is destined for big things! Whoever wins this is going to have so much fun working with her!

  83. Oooooooh Pick Me, Pick Me, PICK ME!!! I just love Layla… she is just a fabulous girl with mad crazy talent!!!
    Tammy Przybylo

  84. I LOVE Layla…but have always been a bit intimidated to actually purchase a consultation! Winning one would be the best!

  85. Love the blog…
    Try to be hippy
    Looking for stuff that looks oh so chippy

    My house is a mess
    Could be oh so bettered
    By Layla, who writes from a Cottage so Lettered!

    πŸ™‚ Mary

  86. oh my……….can you PLEASE pick me.

    we are building and i haven’t a clue what to do in my openness area/. . . . what do ya call it??

    yeah…i need her help!

  87. I would absolutely love this. I just moved to a new house, and it really could use some design help. I absolutely love her style.

  88. Trying to change it up and it’s not working for me. I need HELP!!! I would LOVE a consult!!! I think Layla style is great.

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