Dear Wynn {ever mine}

Dear Wynn,
I wrote the other day of the curious riddle of motherhood.  How you would have me hold you all day long.  All the while my mind will run over the things that need to be done:  clothes to be washed, dinner to be cooked, and yet no hands to complete those tasks.  For today and yesterday and the day before, my love, my hands have carried you.  My arms, your comfort; my body, your cradle.  For what is the smell of bread baking for dinner when compared to the sweet smell of your skin?  What really needs to be washed?  What importance are clothes when you are warmest when held bare against my skin?  Let me not forget my importance today. May I count your every breath, that should one be missed by you, I may breathe in your place. May I gaze upon your face and see every lash that crowns your baby blues, and for each lash, a prayer of thanksgiving sound forth.  May you stay in my arms today, for tomorrow you will be grown and gone and will my arms ever be the same-ever lonesome for you?  For today may you stay ever mine, sweet babe.
For today.
May you stay.

Ever mine.

Images here and here.


  1. That has brought tears to my eyes, just beautiful!!! Cherish every moment, it goes by in a blink. Those baby days are precious and they go by so fast.

  2. Erin, what a treasure you are holding, what a treasure you are to that precious baby. There is not anything in this world more precious, blessing to you both.


  3. it all goes by so fast, hopefully in years to come your words here will bring back a heartfelt memory for you.

  4. Oh so true. I remember my Mom saying ( when I was in the midst of parental chaos (G))….”someday your house will be very tidy and very quiet, and you will miss this time in your life”. She was right….I miss it ALL the time. Enjoy each precious moment. XXX

  5. ERin, I love your blog. My family lives in North Manchester In and winnona lake in. we spend a lot of summers there. I’m so excited to come this summer. I’m going to meet a blog friend from flowerpatch farm girl blog when I come. I can hardly wait. she’s a farm girl too! Some day we hope to move, but for now were in texas. just wanted to say hello

  6. Reading about your son brings back such memories of my almost 6 year old’s baby days. He was the BEST baby if he was being held. That’s all he wanted all the time. No swings, no bouncy seats, etc. Never was a sleeper and that continues. Now he’s a sweet little boy.

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