
Baby fussing
Closing in five days
Baby needs changing
Closing in four and a half days
Oy! Disorganization
Baby needs nursing
Closing in four and one quarter days . . .

Hanging in there.

Thank you for all of the encouragement on our big leap of faith!!!!! We are smack dab in the middle of it. Faith. Faith in boxes all around us.

Walking by faith, following His grace,


  1. There is nothing easy about moving. Add a baby in to the equation and it makes everything even more hectic. Hope everything goes smoothly for you and that you have great, safe, adventures ahead of you.


  2. moving makes for busy times..but you sure do get rid of more things that you really don’t love and you really don’t need while you’re doing it.

    praying for you as you make this very exciting transition!

  3. ugggg moving is hard enough and having to do it while you need to nurse and tend a wee one. boo hoo! praying for you.

    it is my 400th post today – just wanted to invite you to sign up for my cool giveaway.

    hugs, the lady of the house

  4. Hang in there…we just moved our youngest across the hall, yes across the hall…I cannot even begin to imagine packing up a whole house with a baby. Praying for you!!

  5. This kind of move can be overwhelming Erin, but you can do it. Just keep the faith and all will work out according to God’s plan. I am keeping you and your family in my prayers.

    ~ Tracy

  6. Hang in there! I moved – actually, the extended family moved us one time while I was in the hospital having a c-section (2nd kid). We moved to a different state when my eldest was three weeks old. AND we moved to a new house when my youngest was a month old. We are certifiable. You made the right choice.

  7. This is so inspiring to me. We are currently trying to rent out our house (it wont sell) in order to have a cheaper mortgage and room for our family. I hope it works out this beautifully for us. Good luck, so exciting!

  8. Hi there
    Remember “when one door closes another WILL open!”
    Just wanted to let you know that I gave you the Sunshine award today on my blog! It is a fun way to meet other bloggers πŸ™‚
    Shine πŸ™‚

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