Crawling out from hibernation

We had such a nice, relaxing 4 day weekend, my body was literally in shock this morning when I drug it kicking and screaming back to work. If you are a client who called me today for legal advice, only to hear a grown woman sobbing in the background, I was merely mourning the end of the long holiday weekend.

We spent part of the weekend decorating the outside of the house for Christmas.

We spent the rest of the weekend recovering from Thursday’s all out eat-fest with a diet of Pirates Booty, Diet Coke, and Season One of Mad Men on DVD. Throw in a couple (dozen) naps, and you can see why I was intoxicated by this new-found, if short-lived life of leisure.

How was everyone’s thanksgiving? I hope you were blessed with peace and relaxation. 🙂


  1. Hey Erin- I am loving Daniel! It’s the first Beth Moore I’ve read- I’m actually involved in a women’s Bible study group and we’re doing Moore’s “Daniel” Bible study- it’s fantastic!

  2. I am SOOOO in love with those wreaths! Everything is gorgeous. And yum! Pirates Booty! I haven’t had that in a while. Have you had veggie booty? I swear it’s like crack for kids. Seriously. lol.

  3. the house looks awesome

    ok, you have to tell me what this pirate’s booty business is

  4. Hi Erin –
    We’re in the process of choosing a paint color for our house (who knew it would be this hard?). I love the color of your home in the photos and was wondering if you know the manufacturer and color name/number? If not, any way you can get a sample? I would SO appreciate it!


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