Checking In

I am so sorry for the delay on the kitchen reveal. I am trying to rest to avoid a full-blown case of mastitis πŸ™ Promise to be back soon as I’m able.

In the meantime, isn’t this shared kids’ room wonderful? I think it’s a shame that more children don’t share bedrooms anymore with their siblings. I want my children to share a bedroom. This room looks like so much fun.


  1. Massage! Hot Compress! Repeat! Praying for you! It’s the pits. I cried for 3 days straight and my husband SWORE I would not be breastfeeding for the next baby!

  2. I LOVE it…especially like the posters on the walls…a “real” kid’s room, not all staged.
    Those are my favorite boy room colors.
    Hope you feel better…I know how bad it can be!

  3. PS. Drink TONS of water. My sister who is nurse told me that and I think it really helped me recover quickly.

  4. Oh, I saw this room the other day on ohdeedoh and boy….it MADE me want to have a fourth…right? hahahahaha, silly I know, but that room is totally awesome!

  5. Oh dear. If you take antibiotics, PLEASE eat yogurt so you don’t get a yeast infection. I got yeast in my breasts that lasted 7 weeks. It made nursing soooo painful, and I just could not get rid of it! I ended up taking probiotics and laying out topless to kill it, but I heard afterwards that taking the probiotics WHILE on antibiotics may have prevented it!

    I do hope you feel better soon! I know how painful it is!

  6. my boys share a room, and I love to listen to them giggle at night and talk serious talk…which usually involves really important stuff…the grosser the better. πŸ™‚

  7. The trash cans (laundry hampers or toy bins? will have to go look) are inspired! My girls (4 and 2) are getting ready to move into the larger bedroom together. πŸ™‚ I shared with my sister until I turned 12, and though we drove each other nuts, I think it helped me a lot for when I moved off and went to college. πŸ™‚

  8. I hope that you feel better soon. You are a SUPER AMAZING MOMMA! I can’t wait to see the tranformation, (all in due time). YOU ARE SUCH an inspiration, I cannot wait wait to see your new nest.

  9. I totally agree about the shared bedrooms! and I love that toy bin (trash can) and use it as our recycle bin! it is from ikea. let’s go there sometime!

    rest up, I don’t want you to get mastitis.


  10. I have mastitis myself. I’m on antibiotics but I’ve found that taking lecithin has actually helped the most. I’ve been taking it in capsule form but it comes in granular and liquid as well. Whole Foods carries it in their supplement section. Also, (I hope this isn’t too weird to say) but going bra-less around the house has also helped.

    On another note, thank you for blogging. You bring me to tears most days. You are truly a Godly inspiration.

  11. I technically still am sharing a room with my three sisters since we’re all four camping on the living room floor of my brother and sister-in-law’s while the family is in the middle of remodelling our new home. Before that we squeezed into one bedroom together (there were five of us, but we married one off ;)). I can’t tell you how many times we get to talking and one of us says it time to go to bed, and several mintues later someone else says the same thing. We share, cogitate, and laugh together. And people ask me if I want my own room! Smetimes I’d like more sleep, yes, but I wouldn’t trade the memories!

  12. Gorgeous bedroom – love the bins! Mastitis is one of the reasons I stopped at one child. The feeling of a thousand needles in your breasts and not being able to even hold your child – not my idea of fun. I have no great remedies to offer, but I will pray for you, and hope you recover quickly! xx

  13. Love the bedroom~I like the trash cans~great for laundry, extra toys, etc…
    I agree about sharing rooms.
    Oh you poor dear… I do understand… drinks tons of water, hot compresses and even though it hurts so bad, nurse like crazy!!! I’ll be praying for you. I know how bad that hurts.

    Take care

  14. I hope you are beginning to feel better.
    Love the shared bedroom.

    As a regular reader of your blog, I wanted to let you know about Atticmag’s new linky party – Giveaway Friday! It’s a convenient place for bloggers to link their giveaways each week. Next time you have a giveaway, I hope you’ll come over and link it up!

    We’ve kicked it off with a fantastic giveaway of our own. Five lucky winners will win material to do a back splash in their homes. Just leave a comment to register.


  15. I so enjoy your wonderful little blog… Sorry you are not feeling well….Please, get plenty of rest… Hydrate, hydrate… Warm compresses… Be careful your nursing baby is not re-exposing you to germs by thoroughly cleaning after each nursing session… Did I say get plenty of rest? hardest thing to do…

  16. Bummer! My sister in law gets that all of the time (she has 5 kids) and it has been pretty bad with the last two. But rest a lot and I think she uses cabbage leaves in her bra as well. Might want to see what you can find online about that. . . have never tried myself. πŸ™‚ Feel better!


  17. Just found your blog recently and love it! Hope you’re feeling better. 3 of my 4 boys share a room (the baby sleeps w/ us) and people often ask when the oldest will be getting his own room…we’re all perfectly content the way things are. It’ll make for lots of good memories when they’re older and there’s a lot more accountability when you have a little brother watching you.

  18. My daughter’s, ages 5 and 10, share a bedroom. And a bed. By choice. We had two separate bedrooms set up, but after so many nights of the little one “squishing in”, we caved, moved all the toys to room B and bought a queen sized bed for room A. There’s a daybed in the “playroom” if we need it to separate sick children or something. But, every night they still go to bed on their own side of the bed, and wake up sleeping arm in arm (or as my hubs says, “end to end like pigs”). I think it’s sweet and I’m sure it’s not going to last much longer, but it’s been three years so far (going on four). All I ask of my 10 year old is that she tells me when it’s time to think about separate rooms, and that she doesn’t say it to her sister in anger. It’s a great plan to have sibs share rooms! I love to hear their conversations and shared prayers!

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