
We reached an agreement with the sellers and will soon be officially under contract on our beach cottage!!!  It feels like a dream come true.  
It is a dream come true!  
I have always wanted a “cosmetic fixer” project like this and am very passionate about fixing up this very modest cottage on a shoe-string budget and sharing all of my ideas and progress with you.  In the coming months I hope this blog will be a testament that you can create gorgeous spaces that you will love without running up a credit card balance at Pottery Barn (or the like!) . . .
Details, photos, design plans, and antique finds to come soon . . . 
Cannot wait to share this journey with you!
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  1. Congratulations Erin! I can’t wait to see it – I bet your mind is spinning with ideas for your cottage – I know mine would be. BTW – that has to be the 2nd cutest little boy I’ve ever seen – mine being the 1st of course : ) !

  2. Congratulations Erin! I cannot wait to see your new cottage. I know it will be a treasure!! You are so creative. Praying all goes well with the closing and the move.

  3. Dear Erin,

    I can’t wait to see what takes place on this journey.

    Have a wonderful weekend with your family.


    Coastal Blue Ocean

  4. Congratulations!! I can’t wait to see what you do with your cottage….you have the best ideas:).


  5. How wonderful, Erin!!! So happy for you! In all things give thanks – and I have finally learned to be so very thankful for our shoestring budget. It keeps my priorities in line and increases my creativity ten-fold. Cannot wait to see what you create with your new house!

  6. So happy for you! And I can’t wait to see how you fix up your cottage. What a neat opportunity, and I’m glad you’ll be sharing. Love your style.

  7. Yay! So happy for you 🙂 Our new place is so similar – a cosmetic fixer upper we plan to do on a budget 🙂 Can’t wait to see (and steal, lol) your ideas!!

  8. I’ve commented before (on the post you did about selling your home to downsize debt) … having done similar … we’re still waiting to figure out where we need to be. One thing we’re considering is to own a home we live in during the warmer 6 months, and rent in our current town during the winter (closer to work, less travel in the snow). Is that similar to what you’re doing? Just curious.

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