Calorie Free Apple Pie

After my last post, several readers asked me to post my apple pie recipe. Thank you for asking! The best thing about this recipe is that there are NO CALORIES in it! Seriously! When it comes to apple pie in the fall, calories don’t count! I am pretty sure it is in the gospel somewhere.

There are two keys to a great apple pie: (1) the right apples, (2) a great crust. Ha! Rocket science, no? 🙂

For step-by-step pictures of my simple go-to pie crust, click here.

My favorite pie apples are Macintosh. Other good bets are Ida Red and Johnathan. I can’t stress enough, you absolutely need a good “pie apple” to make a good apple pie.

Before you get going, prepare your crust.

For your filling, peel and cut your apples until you have enough (rough visual) to fill your pie dish. Place apple slices in a large bowl and add 1 Cup of sugar. Stir. Add 6 Tbls white flour (or your choice of thickener), and 1-2 Tbl of cinnamon. That’s it! Mix and pour apples into prepared pie shell. Feel free to add a few small pats of real, salt-free butter to the tops of your apples. Butter makes everything better. Except for maybe heart disease.

Place top crust over apples and cook in a 425 degree oven for 45 minutes to 1 hour, or until crust is slightly golden brown and apples are hot and bubbling.

Enjoy, and remember to have seconds.

I did.

I am, after all eating for 1.001


  1. YUM! And I just love, love, love hearing about .001!!! Are you guys finding out the sex when you can?

  2. I completely agree about having the right apple! I baked a pie recently with the crap apples on the tree at our house and boy was that pie TART. Even with extra sugar! My husband wouldn’t touch it, hes so picky.

  3. Hey Erin-

    I plan on making this tomorrow and following your recipe. I will let you know how it goes. I still owe you the pics of the house…I will try to get them to you by the end of the weekend. I hope are you doing and feeling well!

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