A Winner and a Wynn Update

I want to thank you all so much for the suggestions on helping Wynn to nap! I ended up taking him to the pediatrician a few days ago because in addition to waking so suddenly and frequently from his naps, he was waking with scary gagging/choking sounds. Our pediatrician thinks that reflux is to blame for these issues so we are taking all the necessary steps to help him feel better. Poor little guy!

At this point he has little to no interest in any kind of baby contraption: swing, bouncy seat, etc. He only wants to be close to his mommy! Fine by me πŸ™‚ I am obsessed with every last inch of him!

Even when every last inch is bright red and screaming from head to toe.

I am sure that this is not a reaction to the crib bedding I made him.
Ahem . . .
The winner of the Pleated Poppy giveaway is . . .
Leslie said…
what set of posies wouldn’t I love?I also really like the headband- looks like something a mother and her toddler daughter could share!

Congratulations, Leslie! You can contact Lindsey through her blog or store and she will tell you how to use your store credit! Happy shopping!

And a happy weekend to everyone!


  1. I missed your last post, but it does kind of sound like reflux to me. We held him upright for 30 minutes after feedings, nursed more often but smaller amounts, and he ended up taking Zantac, but it was worth it!

    Wynn is a doll! I hope he starts sleeping better for you. πŸ™‚

  2. My first born was not a good napper either , she would always without fail fall asleep while nursing and then when I tried to transfer her anywhere she wouldn’t sleep or only for a few minutes …actually she never got better with napping she never had a nap in her crib at all but only slept there at night , second baby much different , she would take great naps and eventually would request naps in bed, funny huh .

  3. I just recently started following your blog. Wynn is adorable. We too had one daughter with severe reflux (get out the bucket!). We were able to manage it with a few tricks. 1) smaller more frequent feedings (2-3 ounces was all she could do, past that it all came up). 2) we kept her upright for 20-30 minutes after feedings (we used a bouncy seat and swing, but I know you said Wyn wasn’t fond of either) 3) burp, burp and burp some more! 4)when old enough we added cereal to thicken bottles, helped it stay down. 5) she slept with a towel/small blanket rolled behind her back to keep her on her side just in case she spit up (didn’t want her to choke). She started to outgrow it by 3-4 months, only to have it start back up (not as badly) when she became mobile. She totally outgrew it by a year, but to this day has terrible gag relexes! I wish you luck, and hope you find what works for Wynn. It does get easier!!

  4. Poor wynn! Glad you found out was was troubling the little darling. When he gets older, he is not going to be happy about that second picture! πŸ˜‰

    ~ Tracy

  5. Poor little guy πŸ™ Hope is feeling better soon. My reaction to his bedding is the opposite of Mr. W’s πŸ™‚ Where or where did you get it, it is fantastic.

  6. Poor little guy πŸ™ Congrats Leslie! & Deary! That bedding is completely and utterly precious. You do beautiful work. Have a wonderful weekend with your boys. Hugs, The Lady of the House

  7. Oh, I’m so glad you found out he has reflux. My daughter had that and she would be in so much pain after eating, so I searched and searched for more answers because the perscription from the doctors didn’t help. We ended up changing her formula to a thick rice formula and she instantly changed! Praise God for providing that for her, because she was so unhappy!! She outgrew her reflux by the time she was 12 months and hasn’t had any issues since!!

  8. Hello,
    I came across your blog when I was reading one of my favorites (Layla Palmer’s). Your blog is beautiful and so is your precious new baby.
    I just wanted to let you know that my first baby cried sooo much during the first few months of his life. I was so sleep deprived and worried why he wouldn’t sleep better. He would wake up suddenly crying like he was in pain (clenched fists, purple face . . . just made me feel so helpless) The doctors (yes, I went to many)all told me that “babies cry” and that I was just spoiling him by nursing him and picking him up to calm him when he was crying. They kept saying it was reflux (I had him on Zantac three times a day)and they said it was “colic” and that it would go away in a few months. I even took him to gastrointerologists and they said he was fine. I just knew that there was something more than “babies cry”. One day I cried out to the Lord, “Please give me a mother’s wisdom!!” (he was 18 months old) God literally put me and my little guy in the car and drove us to the ER. I explained everything to the dr. and he said he had just been to a conference on intussusception (a telescoping of the bowel). He thought my baby had it. They did a barium enema (which worked 85% of the time) but it didn’t work. They did emergency surgery and were dumbfounded at what they saw. His poor litle intestine had been telescoping for so long that it had worn a hole and was starting to leak toxic waste into his body that day. πŸ™ (they told me 4 more hours would have been too late) They also took out his appendix because there were adhesions all around it. they said that he was probably in so much pain from all of this. (exactly what I was trying to tell all the doctors) They told me that he would stop crying when I nursed him becuase the milk going through the intestine would lengthen it and stop the pain.
    I am not telling all of this to scare you, but to let you know that there is always a reason why a baby cries. I always pray that my story will help other moms. I will pray that your little one will start sleeping better and that you will be able to get some much needed rest. πŸ™‚ I just had to let you know my story. . . just in case. πŸ™‚ Blessings to you.

  9. Wynn is gorgeous. I love all his pictures. I wanted to see how the cloth diapering was going??? I hope you are enjoying it. I also wanted to tell you that most all babies are born with some reflux because of the immaturity of their systems. Most will grow out if it, in some extreme cases they need meds to help them from losing weight of doing damage to their throat. Breast milk is a natural antacid so Wynn may want to nurse more to ease the pain in his belly which of course will make him spit up more. The great thing about breast milk is that it doesn’t burn when it comes back up so most babies are in pain when they spit up.Its also normal for him to spit up to get rid of the “extra” milk he doesn’t need so that his belly isn’t being stretched out. This is awesome so that your supply will continue to satisfy him without making you make more milk πŸ™‚

    You are doing awesome mama. I enjoy your blog very much.

    Toasty Baby and Greenwood La Leche League

  10. Oh my goodness, your little cherub is just the sweetest little person ever!! Trusting with you for a breakthrough and that he will be sleeping like a little angel in no time πŸ™‚ Much love, Janine

  11. Little Wynn almost makes me think I’m ready for another baby (ALMOST…) :).
    I can’t believe I actually won something! what a great suprise to wak up to this morning!

    Still waiting to hear his birth story! I was backreading your blog and was intrigued because you mentioned a visit with a midwife (I think…) Since the birth of our 2nd with an awesome midwife I’m always excited to hear other birth stories. πŸ™‚

  12. Erin-

    He is so cute…I want to squeeze him! My neighbors had kids with bad (really bad!) reflux. I would be happy to inquire about what they did to remedy the situation. Also, I am curious when you are going to be ready to start taking orders for crib bedding? Two of the ladies on my street are pregnant (one due in October and one in Nov.) and I would love to mention your talents to them πŸ™‚

  13. Erin,

    The reflux gets better. My little guy has it.. you need to whip him up some cute bibs. My guy has to have one on always because he spits up a lot with his reflux…

    Ok, I have been looking for that crib sheet everywhere.. its shabby chic isnt it?

    Can you share where you got it?


  14. Erin,

    Yes, I think I would love one of those crib sheets! How much are we talking?

    Your stuff is beautiful. How exciting you are doing a line. I am truly crazy in love with all little baby things….

    Let me know some of the details and I will let you know about ordering one, once I hear!



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