A New Series: Vintage Motherhood

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tumblr_n4ox8eEQPl1sg22dvo1_1280I love to talk to mothers, who are themselves now in their eighties or nineties, about their experiences as mothers of young children some sixty or seventy years ago.  I am utterly fascinated by these beautiful women who mothered in the days before modern appliances and air conditioning, baby registries and car seats.

What was it like to be nine months pregnant in 100 degree rural North Carolina heat? 

How did you soothe your colicky baby?

How did your faith see you through those days of hard work and deep loving?

Image by Pat Crowe

I am so excited to tell you that I have been busy interviewing elderly mothers to record and preserve their wisdom and I am going to share it all with you here, in a new blog series on “vintage mothering.”

Paris, 1937, Anonymous

It was my hope that this series could serve as a double blessing. I could, hopefully, go into nursing homes and talk to women who would enjoy the companionship and the chance to tell their story.  Then, in turn, their stories could serve as comfort and encouragement to modern mothers.

Wasn’t it lonely to mother in the days before modern technology?

Inge Morath, Fog on the Thames, London 1954

Looking back, do you wish you had disciplined more or less?

Image by Josef Heinrich Darchinger, 1955

What do you wish you had said to your daughter?


What do you wish you had done differently?

What if you could go back and do it all over again?

Image by Beth Forester via.

Something inside me had to know the answers to these questions.

So I asked.

They answered.

Stay tuned, the first Vintage Motherhood interview will be live tomorrow.  From one mother to another, trust me, you do not want to miss this.



  1. Erin,

    What a blessing you are to those elderly mothers to visit them! In this modern world I long to know the wisdom of the elder mothers. I soak in all my mother and grandmother share with me about raising children and life. I can’t wait for your series to begin!
    Have a blessed day.


  2. Oh, I just cannot WAIT for this! And those images! Delightful! Thank you, Erin!!

  3. Soo excited for this! Got all teary just thinking about it! What a great idea!

  4. I am beyond excited for this series! This might just be the best thing ever!

  5. This excites me! I wonder these same things and feel inspired by my grandmas answers to how she was a mother! Now she is in her mid 90’s and the answers are more vague as her memory fades. But I love anything that she can recall! Thanks for the time you put towards this!

  6. I can’t wait to read this series. Thanks so much for sharing with us!

  7. Oh my goodness, how lovely. I know this will be wonderful! How many times I wish my granny was still living so I could ask her those questions. What a gift. Thank you Erin!

  8. This is a wonderful idea and I will follow it with interest. I often asked my Grandmother (passed away at age 98) who had 7 children what it was like. I also ask my patients who are in their 80’s+ for stories and advice. I can’t wait to see your photos!!

  9. What the what??!! How lucky am I to check your blog today and see what is happening next…like nothing I’ve seen in blogland. So excited!

  10. This is such a lovely idea! Thank you so much for having taken the time to do this and for sharing it with us. I can’t wait to read it.

  11. Can you please ask them how they survived pregnancy? The nausea, headaches, raging hormoes, tiredness, etc…all with so many other little kids running around? I am pregnant with #4, with a 6, 3 and 2 year old and I just can imagine these wonderful women who had 6-9 children–how did they do it?!?!?!!!!

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